These digital images are an original creation of mine.
Once payment is received to Etsy you will be sent a download link. The images will be zip file which you will download and print at home or at any print shop.
Buyer is responsible for printing, this listing DOES NOT include printed products.
You will receive 2 jpeg files.
1 in color
1 in black and white
*Watermarks WILL NOT appear on your files
*As not all computer monitors or printers are the same, colors or contrast might vary slightly from actual artwork shown.
*These images are not for resale. Please do not sell or distribute images either on their own or incorporated in a design of your own for resale.
*These images are not for use in any type of logos, marketing materials, commercial or personal websites, avatars, embroidery designs, digital or conventional scrapbook kits or in digital or print production services such as Cafe Press, Custom Ink and related companies.
*You may not alter the image in any way and claim it as your own design.
*All digital images are copyrighted ©RedCardinalCrafts and TanyaDawnRichards.
*Images are emailed to you as a digital file. No physical item will be sent to you. So free shipping.